Redirect the focus to your eyes. The nose is not meant to be the focus of the face. Rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping surgery, can create a more refined and proportioned nose that not only looks better but also functions better.
Rhinoplasty Patient 56
Previous Patient Next PatientCrooked Nose Rhinoplasty With Bulbous Tip and Hanging Columella Repair
This patient was most interested in having rhinoplasty surgery to correct her longstanding rightward deviated nose. She also wanted to smooth her bridge hump and make her tip less bulbous. Thomas Lamperti, MD used an open septorhinoplasty approach to make the patient's nose more straight. He also refined the patient's tip by adding projection and straightening the patient's convex lower lateral tip cartilages. An additional way Dr. Lamperti added refinement to the tip was by repairing the patient's hanging columella using a tongue in groove technique. In the 11 month after photos you can see how the patient has a much straighter nose on frontal view. From the profile view you can appreciate her smoother bridge but without a drastic change (which was the patient's preference). Her tip is also nicely refined without being overly pinched.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
Go with quality. Go with your gut. And at the very least, get a consultation with Dr. Lamperti.
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