Redirect the focus to your eyes. The nose is not meant to be the focus of the face. Rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping surgery, can create a more refined and proportioned nose that not only looks better but also functions better.
Rhinoplasty Patient 43
Previous Patient Next PatientMale Rhinoplasty To Make A Smaller Nose And Treat A Rounded, Over-Projected Tip with Bridge Hump
This male Seattle rhinoplasty patient came to Thomas Lamperti, MD looking to improve both the overall appearance and function of his nose. He wanted to narrow his wide bridge and tip and decrease his tip over-projection and bridge hump. Dr. Lamperti performed an open septorhinoplasty surgery in which he straightened the patient's septum. Additionally, he deprojected the patient's tip and placed it in a slightly more rotated position. After bringing the tip in Dr. Lamperti also shaved down the patient's bridge hump to match the new tip position. Based on the patient's aesthetic preferences expressed during the office consultation process Dr. Lamperti created a supratip break during this process. The patient also had a full tip along with relatively thick nasal skin. Dr. Lamperti refined the patient's rounded tip using a combination of cephalic trim and dome binding sutures and narrowed the tip defining points using an interdomal suturing technique. The wide nasal bones were narrowed using controlled bone fractures (osteotomies) and the wide nostrils were also reduced using a wedge excision style alar base reduction. In the after photos taken about 14 months after sugery you can see how the patient has a more refined tip that is less projecting . The bridge is also smoother. Given the patient's thick skin Dr. Lamperti would expect the bridge skin to redrape and shrink wrap even more over the following one to two years. Importantly, the patient is also breathing much better and has had fewer sinus infection problems.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
You clearly have honed considerable skill, knowledge and artistry, and take much pride in your work....I'm just so very grateful to have benefited from your amazing work.
L.E. - Seattle, WA View More Patient Testimonials ›