Redirect the focus to your eyes. The nose is not meant to be the focus of the face. Rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping surgery, can create a more refined and proportioned nose that not only looks better but also functions better.
Rhinoplasty Patient 46
Previous Patient Next PatientRhinoplasty To Lenghten A Naturally Short Nose With Wide Nostrils
This Seattle rhinoplasty patient came to Thomas Lamperti, MD to see if she could have her upturned nose made more downturned so that her nostrils were less visible from the front. She was also interested in making her nostrils less wide. The patient had no prior surgery or trauma. Dr. Lamperti noted that the patient had a significantly over-rotated nasal tip as best seen on profile view. Based on the patient's current nostril width Dr. Lamperti predicted that with repositioning her nasal tip downward she would end up with increased nostril flare such that a nostril base reduction was recommended. He also noted a wide bridge that he treated using controlled bone fractures. In the 2.5 year postoperative photos you can see how the patient's tip is much more elegantly positioned creating an overall longer nasal appearance. On fronal view you can also see how you can't see as much of the patient's nostrils The patient's nostril reduction has also healed seamlessly with a natural appearing nostril width.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
Dr. Lamperti gave me the beautiful, natural look I've always wanted....I am so happy with my results
JA - Tacoma, WA View More Patient Testimonials ›