Neck Liposuction
Redefine your neck. Look as young as you feel.
Neck Liposuction Patient 1
Previous Patient Next PatientCombined Neck Liposuction, Facelift and Chin Implantation
This Seattle neck liposuction patient wanted to improve her neckline including the excess fat deposits under her chin. To improve her facial appearance Dr. Thomas Lamperti performed a combined treatment that included neck liposuction and a chin implant. He then performed a facelift to tighten the patient's neck muscles further. You can see how the patient now has a sharpened jawine.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
I can't explain what it is like to be able to have a clean shaven face and not be self conscious about myself.
A.T. - Eagle River, Alaska View More Patient Testimonials ›