Redirect the focus to your eyes. The nose is not meant to be the focus of the face. Rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping surgery, can create a more refined and proportioned nose that not only looks better but also functions better.
Rhinoplasty Patient 38
Previous Patient Next PatientBulbous Over-Rotated Nose Rhinoplasty Combined with Sinus Surgery and Dermal Filler Injection
This Kirkland rhinoplasty patient came to Dr. Lamperti wanting to treat her bulbous tip and smooth her profile. She also had significant nasal congestion related to her severely deviated nasal septum which also caused asymmetric nostrils. This patient also suffered from recurrent sinus infections that she wanted to address. In analyzing the patient's nose Dr. Lamperti also found that her nasal tip was also somewhat upturned and that lengthening her nose modestly would further improve her nasal appearance. To correct these issues Dr. Lamperti performed an open septorhinoplasty along with endoscopic sinus surgery. He reconstructed the patient's caudal septum (the part of the septum closest to the nostrils) in order to improve her nostril asymmetry. Dr. Lamperti also repositioned the patient's nasal tip in a less upturned position and also smoothed the bump on her bridge. He also trimmed the tip cartilages and repositioned the tip to narrow it and make it less bulbous. Dr. Lamperti concurrently performed sinus surgery to open up the patient's blocked cheek and forehead sinuses. In the after photos taken about 1 year after surgery you can see how the tip is more refined while not appearing pinched or overdone. The tip is also less upturned and the bridge bump smoothed. On base view you can see how the crooked columella is now much straighter. The patient reports being able to breathe much better and has much improved sinus function following surgery. Separately, this patient wanted to improve her facial volume loss to create a rejuvenated appearance. Dr. Lamperti also injected dermal filler restylane and radiesse following surgery in order to create a softened, more youthful appearance.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
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