Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)
Reawaken and brighten that tired, run-down appearance with a blepharoplasty or eyelid-tuck procedure.
Blepharoplasty Patient 56
Previous Patient Next PatientRepair Of Droopy Eyelid Ptosis and Excess Skin In Asian Male Patient
This Asian gentleman had noted gradually worsenening upper visual field blockage such that he was having trouble seeing due to progressive eyelid drooping and skin excess. His main issue was eyelid drooping due to stretching of one of the upper eyelid muscles. Dr. Lamperti performed an upper eyelid ptosis repair to raise the patient's eyelids. He also trimmed some of the excess eyelid skin which was more evident once the eyelid was raised. The eyelid muscle tightening was performed by placing a couple of sutures in each of the eyelid muscles to shorten it. In the 9 month after photos you can see how the patient has a much more open appearance to his eyes while at the same time still maintaining a natural, ethnically appropriate appearance. The patient reports resolved visual field blockage and is very happy with his improved vision.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
It is truly an art, and you are truly an incredible artist.
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