Facial Fat Grafting
Regain your youthful fullness with facial fat grafting.
Facial Fat Grafting Patient 8
Previous Patient Next PatientFacial Fat Grafting Combined With Chin Implantation and Revision Rhinoplasty
This male Bothell facial fat grafting patient came to Dr. Lamperti looking to improve the appearance of his lower eyelid and cheek areas. He had noticed a gradual hollow and sunken appearance in the area. Dr. Lamperti performed facial fat transfer using fat harvested from the patient's abomen using a small incision in the belly button area. The fat was then placed in the patient's lower eyelid, cheek, and mid face regions to create a natural, youthful appearance. Dr Lamperti also performed a revision rhinoplasty and chin implantation at the same time to further balance the patient's overall proportions.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
You have a gift that must be wonderful to share with other people!
B.J. - Anchorage, Alaska View More Patient Testimonials ›