Facial Fat Grafting
Regain your youthful fullness with facial fat grafting.
Facial Fat Grafting Patient 3
Previous Patient Next PatientFat Transfer Combined with Radiesse Soft Tissue Filler and Rhinoplasty
This Bellevue fat transfer patient had a small amount of fat harvested and transferred to her lower eyelid and tear trough areas. She also wanted to improve her nasolabial fold prominence. She didn't have enough fat available to adequately treat this area so radiesse was concurrently placed in both nasolabial folds to nicely efface these creases. More filer was placed in her left nasolabial fold given its increased prominence. A concurrent rhinoplasty was also performed. She still has expected, residal nasal swelling in the after photos.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
I can't explain what it is like to be able to have a clean shaven face and not be self conscious about myself.
A.T. - Eagle River, Alaska View More Patient Testimonials ›