Tracheal Shave
Create a smoother, less masculine appearing neck with Adam's Apple Reduction surgery
Tracheal Shave Patient 3
Previous Patient Next PatientTransgender Tracheal Shave and Neck Lift
This Seattle tracheal shave patient came to Thomas Lamperti, MD looking to achieve a smoother anterior neck and throat as part of her male to female transition. As you can see in the before photos the patient had a quite protrusive laryngeal prominence. Using an incision hidden high up on the neck in a natural skin crease Dr. Lamperti was able to safely remove the excess Adam's Apple tissue in order to create a smoother neckline. Given the patient's pre-existing skin looseness Dr. Lamperti also performed a compensatory necklift in which he tightened the underlying neck muscles and remove a conservative amount of neck skin at the original incision line. Given the patient's age the thyroid cartilage was actually quite calcified so modified cartilage reduction techniques were used to reduce the thyroid cartilage fullness. In the 4 month after photos you can see how this patient now has an smoother throat and less noticeable Adam's Apple given better balance to her overall proportions. You can also see that there are no signs of drooping, excess neck skin.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
Luckily I found this amazing doctor who knows what he is doing and is very easygoing and competent.
AL - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada View More Patient Testimonials ›