Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty)
Balanced. Refined. Bring your face into a more harmonious balance with a chin augmentation or chin implant procedure.
Mentoplasty Patient 3
Previous Patient Next PatientMentoplasty and Nasal Reduction to Improve Sinus Congestion
This Seattle chin implant patient had concerns regarding chronic nasal congestion and the size of his severely deviated nose. A preoperative assessment revealed an under-projected chin which worsened the perceived size of the patient’s nose. While undergoing a septorhinoplasty to correct his nose, the patient also had a chin implant placed via a small incision (in the area of a pre-existing scar) under his chin. Six months postoperatively, the patient has a much improved overall balance to his face. Though his nose was made smaller, by improving the chin projection Dr. Thomas Lamperti was able to maintain a strong, masculine profile for the patient.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
Thanks for your excellent work with my nose job. It is just what I wanted -- it still looks like me but now the round tip is gone. You did such a great job...
R.F. - Kirkland, Washington View More Patient Testimonials ›