Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty)
Balanced. Refined. Bring your face into a more harmonious balance with a chin augmentation or chin implant procedure.
Mentoplasty Patient 11
Previous Patient Next PatientSilicone Chin Implantation Combined With Septorhinoplasty and Mandibular Angle Filler Injection
This Seattle chin implantation patient wanted to create a stronger profile and jaw line. Dr. Lampeti noted a recessed chin bone and under-developed mandibular angles that were out of balance with the rest of his facial features. Using an incision under the chin Dr. Lamperti placed an extended anatomic style solid silicone implant. You can see how this improved the patient's chin projection and jawline in that area very well in the 6 month after photos. Importantly, the chin still appears natural and not overdone. To add further definition to the back jawline area Dr. Lamperti injected Radiesse skin filler into both mandibular angles.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
Dr. Lamperti actually LISTENED to my concerns and helped rebuild my nose.
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