Brow Lift
Refreshed and rested. A brow lift can subtly open up your eyes -- no surprised looks here.
Brow Lift Patient 7
Previous Patient Next PatientDirect Forehead Lift and Upper Lid Blepharoplasty
This Seattle brow lift patient was having chronic problems seeing due to the severe excess skin she had blocking her vision. The patient had so much extra eyelid skin that blepharoplasty alone would bot have been able to adequately treat her problem. As a result Dr. Lamperti suggested a combined direct brow lift in which skin was removed from above both eyebrows with a functional upper eyelid blepharoplasty in which the residual excess eyelid skin was removed. In the 4 month after photos you can note how the patient has much improvement to her eyelids and no more visual field blockage. With time Dr. Lamperti would expect the eyebrow to actually drops down a bit further as the forehead scar relaxes over the first year after surgery.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
Thank you so much for doing such a great job rejuvenating my face with my revision facelift and fat grafting surgery.
Y.D. - Anchorage, Alaska View More Patient Testimonials ›