Brow Lift
Refreshed and rested. A brow lift can subtly open up your eyes -- no surprised looks here.
Brow Lift Patient 6
Previous Patient Next PatientDirect Brow Lift Used To Remove Excess Drooping Skin From Upper Eyelids
This Seattle brow lift patient was referred to Dr. Lamperti by her optometrist to see what could be done to improve the gradually worsening vision blockage she had been troubled by for a few years. Dr. Lamperti noted that her main issue was actually very droopy, or ptotic, eyebrows that was leading to a significant amount of excess eyelid skin falling down over her field of vision and bmaking it hard to see. With manual elevation of the patient's eyebrows to a normal position the patient's eyelid skin was found to be much improved. Dr. Lamperti discussed the treatment options which included a direct browlift, endoscopic browlift or coronal brow lift. The patient opted to have a direct brow lift under local anesthesia in which Dr. Lamperti remove an ellipse of skin just above each eye brow. The scar was placed in an existing skin crease in each area to help hide the scars. In the 3 month after photos you can see how the patient's eyebrows are now nicely, but naturally, elevated without a deer in the headlights appearance. Dr. Lamperti also was careful to create a pleasing arch to the patient's eyebrows as well. The oblique views best illustrate the improvement realized by merely lifting the eyebrows and lifting the perceived excess eyelid skin upward and improving the upper eyelid show without actually needing a blepharoplasty.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
I can't thank you enough for everything....I'm so pleased with the results.
B.D. - Eagle River, Alaska View More Patient Testimonials ›