Neck Liposuction
Redefine your neck. Look as young as you feel.
Neck Liposuction Patient 8
Previous Patient Next PatientNeck Liposuction and Neck Lift to Reshape Neckline
This patient consulted with Thomas Lamperti, MD looking to reduce the fullness to her neck in the area under her chin. Dr. Lamperti noted that she had a persistent fat pad in the area along with drooping of the neck muscles. He recommended a combined neck liposuction and neck lift procedure which he performed using a small incision placed under the patient's chin. Once he removed the excess fat with liposuction he then performed a corsest platysmaplasty to further tighten the neck line. In the 5 month after photos you can see how the patient now has a much improved jawline with a sharpened cervico-mental angle.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
Thank you, a thousand million times for all you have done for me.... You are the greatest!
L.O. - Seattle, Wa View More Patient Testimonials ›