Neck Liposuction
Redefine your neck. Look as young as you feel.
Neck Liposuction Patient 6
Previous Patient Next PatientNeck Liposuction and Corset Platysmaplasty Combined with Sliding Genioplasty and Functional Septorhinoplasty
This patient is shown before and 1 year after having submental liposuction and corset platysmaplasty surgery combined with sliding genioplasty surgery. You can see how he has a much more defined and masculine neck and stronger jawline following surgery. You can learn more about this patient's chin surgery here.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
Thank you guys for everything you have done for us. You are awesome!
S.B. - Anchorage, Alaska View More Patient Testimonials ›