Lip Augmentation
Rediscover more youthful lips or create the fuller lips you've always wanted.
Lip Augmentation Patient 3
Previous Patient Next PatientBullhorn Upper Lip Lift
This male Seattle upper lip lift patient consulted with Dr. Lamperti looking to improve the overall contour and shape of his upper lip. He didn't like how long his upper lip was and also how it affected his smile. He found that his smile had reduced upper tooth show and his upper red lip was quite thin. Dr. Lamperti noted a long cutaneous lip (the non red portion of the upper lip) and a thin vermillion. Dr. Lamperti performed a bullhorn upper lip lift removing several millimeters of skin from the upper lip. You can see in the after photos taken about 3.5 months after surgery how the patient's lip lift scar is healing very nicely below his nostrils. Also, the patient now has a shorter, but still natural appearing, upper lip. Most importantly, the patient is thrilled how much better his smile looks now.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
I am thrilled with your treatment! With fuller cheeks, the little swelling ridges under my eyes have gone away.
G.B. - Kirkland, Washington View More Patient Testimonials ›