Revision Rhinoplasty
Make your next rhinoplasty your last. Even if you have already had nasal surgery a revision rhinoplasty (nose job), can create a more refined and proportioned nose that not only looks better but also functions better.
Revision Rhinoplasty Patient 8
Previous Patient Next PatientOver-rotated, Foreshortened, Upturned Nose
This Seattle revision rhinoplasty patient had a prior septorhinoplasty by another surgeon to treat a dorsal hump and under-rotated nose. Unfortunately, the patient's bridge was over-resected and his nose over-rotated. Also, the lateral osteotomies were performed too high on the nasal sidewall leaving the patient with an incompletely narrowed nasal vault. Dr. Lamperti performed an open revision rhinoplasty using ear and septal cartilage to build up the upper portion of the patient's bridge to create a more natural profile line. Properly placed osteotomies produced a improved appearance on frontal view. Advanced grafting techniques were then used to de-rotate the patient's tip to produce a much less up-turned, natural appearing nose.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
Thanks for your excellent work with my nose job. It is just what I wanted -- it still looks like me but now the round tip is gone. You did such a great job...
R.F. - Kirkland, Washington View More Patient Testimonials ›