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Interested in finding out more about having an Otoplasty with Dr. Lamperti in Seattle?
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Things to know about Otoplasty:
Redefine your ears
People with prominent ears often find them to be an unfortunate defining characteristic. Otoplasty, which is commonly referred to an “ear pinning”, involves reducing the prominence of the ears. This can involve treatment of the constricted ear deformity (also called lop ear or cup ear) or it may involve more subtle improvement to the position of the ear.
Focus on the earlobe
Some patients wish to improve only their earlobes. Dr. Lamperti is able to treat elongated/stretched earlobes or earlobes that have been damaged by prior ear piercings, including torn ear lobes.
Ear surgery can be done in children or adults
Otoplasty can be performed on both children (generally those at least 5 years old) and adults. A common scenario involves correcting a child’s prominent ears before they start school and start getting teased about their ears. The surgery is typically done through an incision that is hidden on the back of the ear. Depending on patient maturity and desire, the surgery can be done either with local numbing medicine, conscious sedation or general anesthesia. Dr. Lamperti uses sutures to gently reshape the patient’s existing cartilage to create a natural, less prominent ear. In some cases, excess ear cartilage may also be shaved from the behind the ear.
Ears that no one notices
The ultimate goal is to create ears that seamlessly blend in with your other facial features such that no one notices your ears anymore.

Meet Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Lamperti
Dr. Lamperti, a Seattle rhinoplasty super-specialist, has devoted his career to treatments of the head, face and neck. He feels that by focusing his plastic surgery endeavors solely to the face he is best able to provide the excellent results his patients desire.