Rhinoplasty Patient Instructions
Please read these instructions both before and after surgery. Following these instructions carefully will help you obtain the best possible result from your surgery. You can print a copy of these rhinoplasty instructions here. If you have questions, do not hesitate to all us at any time.
Pre-operative instructions:
Two weeks before surgery
- Discontinue all herbal supplements
- Discontinue aspirin and ibuprofen
- Discontinue vitamin E supplements
- Avoid all alcoholic beverages
One day before surgery
- Do not eat or drink anything after midnight
Morning of surgery
- The surgery center preoperative clinic will tell you which medications are permitted prior to surgery
Post-operative instructions:
Until further notice
- Do not blow your nose
- Eat less than 1000 mg of sodium (salt) per day
- Avoid hard foods that require prolonged chewing
- Avoid aspirin or ibuprofen
- Avoid exertion, including athletic activities, bending over, heavy lifting and straining
- Elevate your head at least 30 degrees when laying down
- Brush teeth gently with a soft toothbrush
- Avoid sun exposure
For one week
- Do not disturb the cast or allow it to get wet
- You may wash your hair as long as you do not get the nasal dressing wet
- Wear the nasal mustache dressing as needed to catch any bloody nasal drainage
- Avoid excessive facial movements
- Wear clothing that fastens in the front or back
Evening of surgery
- You will be congested because of the swelling in your nose
- Change the dressing under your nose as needed
- Drink at least one liter of water
- Take Tylenol for pain. If that is ineffective, take your prescribed pain medication
One day after surgery
- Gently clean your nostrils with a cotton swab and dilute peroxide twice daily
- Apply plain Vaseline ointment to your sutures three time per day
- You may wear glasses while the cast is on
One week after surgery
- You will return to the office for cast and suture removal
- Your nose will be swollen and may be congested. This is normal
- You may wear contact lenses. Ask Dr. Lamperti before you resume wearing your glasses
If you have any problems after your procedure, please call the office at (206) 505-1234.
Thank you guys for everything you have done for us. You are awesome!
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Thomas Lamperti, MD personally performs all in-office and virtual consultations where you will be able to learn about your customized cosmetic or reconstructive surgery options.