Watch a video that shows an amazing makeover of a homeless Veteran, Jim Wolf, as he works to turn his life around.

In honor of Veterans Day check out this great time-lapse video which documents a makeover of Army Veteran, Jim Wolf:

According to the Huffington Post:

Jim Wolf struggles with homelessness and alcoholism, but thanks to a unique initiative by Dégagé Ministries, he was recently given the opportunity for a complete makeover. Wolf's transformation is utterly beautiful, and according to the video, the physical change has also inspired him to turn his life around. He's now attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings for the first time in his life.

Jim Wolf's transformation is just another reminder of the importance that our society places on appearance.

The video's creators acknowledge that a makeover such as this is only the beginning of Wolf's journey in turning around his life.

I do see certain parallels in my own Facial Plastic Surgery practice when I see how when my patients improve some aspect of their outward facial appearance they often gain improved self confidence.

For many there can be a troubling disconnect between how energetic and vibrant they feel versus how other people perceive them due to their appearance. Similarly, there can be unfortunate stereotypes made related to a recessed chin, large nose or protruding ears.

Wolf's story is also reminiscent of the probono work I do in treating domestic violence victims, using plastic surgery to try to erase the vestiges of prior domestic violence related injuries.

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