How do we re-secure the chin bone after sliding genioplasty chin augmentation surgery?

There are two basic ways of doing a chin augmentation procedure: chin implantation and sliding genioplasty. Sliding genioplasty involves making a cut in the chin bone to allow us to advance it forward leading to a more pronounced chin. It also allows us to angle the chin bone upward or downward to shorten or lengthen the face. Many people wonder how we re-secure the chin bone into its new position?

Titanium Sliding Genioplasty Bracket

Two possible ways that the chin bone is secured in its new position is with either metal wires or with a titanium bracket. I typically use the later device. Here's a photo of a bracket so you can see what it looks like.

The brackets themselves come in various lengths to allow for varying levels of projection. The metal plate can be contoured to allow for additional angling upward or downward if desired. You can also see how the plate comes pre-bent to allow for simplified attachment to the jaw bone and chin bone using small screws. The plate itself is quite light and since it is made of titanium it is quite strong. It also won't interfere with airport x-rays.

If you'd like to see what types of changes chin augmentation can achieve check out my chin augmentation photo gallery here.

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