The Pinocchio Effect: Deprojecting the long nose
A common complaint of patients who come to see me seeking rhinoplasty is the desire to improve their long, over-sized nose. There are several factors that can lead to a long appearing nose. Today I'll discuss one thing that can cause a nose to appear too long: tip over-projection. Tip projection refers to how far forward the nose travels.
Big Nose: Before and After Rhinoplasty Photos
This lovely woman shown below came to me interested in improving the overall size of her nose. You see see how her long, over-projected nose seems to dominate her face and doesn't balance well with her other facial features.
Using an open rhinoplasty approach I was able to significantly deproject her tip. At the same time the bump on her bridge was taken down given the patient a much more feminine and elegant nose that more seamlessly blends in with the rest of her facial features.
This patient is relatively young and had thin skin which allow for such a dramatic downsizing. These characteristics help promote successful nasal skin redraping and shrink wrapping around the smaller underlying nasal framework.
You can see more before and after pictures of this patient in my rhinoplasty photo gallery here. Read my general rhinoplasty information page here. Check back soon as I'll be going over other ways to improve a long nose in future blog posts.